Sunday 26 September 2010

We are making steady progress west to east along the Loire. Completed a 50k fully loaded ride yesterday from other side of Nantes to Ancenis. This blog was dictated in a speeding ambulance to Pierre.....

Key points from the last dew days:
  • Stopped off in a place called Paimbeouf - were befriended by a lovely french couple who insisted that we stay with them for a couple of days when if we get to their bit of the Loire. As they had two beautiful dogs it looks likely that we will take them up on the offer.
  • Got chased by a farm dog - the owner of the farm rushed to open a gate to effect our escape: although we ended up cross country and felt lost it ended up giving us a shortcut however.....
  • This took us to one of the oddest camping experiences... the next site we used was like a Shanty Town and the residents - who to be fair were charming if not pissed - suggested we set up next to a cesspit (literally); in the seconds it took us to say 'NON' we sustained no more than 20 mozzie bites. We preferred a pitch nearer the pot bellied pigs....we moved on quickly the next morning and will forever remember the site for its 'mankey pigs'
  • We moved on to a suburb of Nantes called Indre: where a charming couple took pity on our lumpy skins and offered a bargain hotel deal. We stayed a couple days and shared the facilities with a group of young submariners ( we knew something interesting was afoot when they all started running around at the sound of our bicycle bell)
  • We visited Nantes Cathedral which took 500 years to complete but was burned down in the 70's) WE lit candles for loved ones present and past.
  • Another big cycle yesterday - the paths are brilliant; quiet, flat and well signed. We will have a crack at another big  mileage day tomorrow. Love to one and all - lovely to think of people tuning in. xxxC and M


  1. Dear Mark and Caroline, we are in awe of the Vallee trek and you trying to do a circuit of the Arc de Triomphe in rush hour. Now it seems you have found a more tranquil setting at the side of the Loire - we have aerial googled Montjean and it looks ace, especially as progress eastward will take you to where the wine is! Try the sparkling Saumur, at least twice, then the red in the market square and toast yourselves. The base camp is functioning well and would be delighted to come over to have to ferry urgent supplies. All the best for now and will get on to the train info. so you have it when you get to Sandra's. Love A & D & C.

  2. Hi Caroline, you definately seem to be having great fun. My life seems boring compared to yours!! Missing you loads. Can't think what will happen next, you seem to be having lots of contact with animals!! Love reading your episodes, their better than Eastenders!! Take care and happy riding. Jack x

  3. Hey Caroline, its good to hear from you, you are definatly having too much fun. Love the stories about the Wizard, pissheads, pigs and mozzie bites "Ouch" so long as they are not on your backside eh. The campsites sound interesting! but the places you have visited already sound fantastic. You are truly missed at Trenance with lots of people asking after you. Hope you hair style is holding up. Its starting to get a little chilly here, keep following the sun and having fun love from Sandra xxx
